At Lanh we strive to have a diverse workforce to match the diverse community of service users we provide care services for. We respect and value the mix of different cultures that our employees bring in order to make up the special team that is Lanh.
As much as we can , Lanh professionals ensures that all of our operations are environmentally friendly. From encouraging our employees to travel in groups to work (where possible) to mandating a digital and paperless work environment. We make use of technology to not only improve our care services but to also ensure that we are good stewards of our environment.
Providing care is not only our aim it is also our passion. Whatever your need or question please reach out to us. Lanh is here to help.
Dartford Team: 03333 583 664 East Sussex team: 01273 044 027 Email:
Company Number: OC412168
Provider ID: 1-3608866070
Number: ZA257899