Whether you're dealing with past or present drug dependence, seeking sit-in assistance, or requiring palliative care, Lanh is your trusted source for compassionate, excellent, and highly-rated support. Our commitment is to provide caring services that meet your unique needs with the utmost compassion and excellence.
Client's Next Of Kin
Lanh is equipped to provide care to different types of service users. Our goal is to protect our service users at all times throughout the care process. Client safety is one of our top priorities along with service user satisfaction. We also accept private clients, NHS referrals and referrals from our local councils. If you fit into any one of these categories please use the details below to contact us today
Providing care is not only our aim it is also our passion. Whatever your need or question please reach out to us. Lanh is here to help.
Dartford Team: 03333 583 664 East Sussex Team: 01273 044 027 Email: info@lanh.co.uk
Company Number: OC412168
Provider ID: 1-3608866070
Number: ZA257899